31 August 2012

The end of the road

Another beautiful day - warm (-ish), sunny, smells like fish and the sea.  We got the motorcycle out of the back of the truck on Wednesday night and Steve spent yesterday putting it back together.  So naturally today we had to go for a ride before the weather turns to rain for the weekend. 

Low tide!  All this will be covered with water at high tide... This is looking west at the mountains and islands across the channel.

We drove to the north end of the road.  It goes about 30 miles from where we live, judging by the fact that we put on about 60 miles total with only a few deviations from the main road.  Like everything else out here so far, it was fantastically beautiful.  I was cold by the time we got back.

There was some road construction where they're working on widening the road.  We had to wait about 25 minutes for the pilot car, but the sign guy took our picture!

This is one of several boat ramps up the road.

The water was so calm in this pond!

A self portrait.  Check out my new helmet!

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