19 August 2012

Sunday - evening

We've had very calm seas so far.  Sometimes there's barely a ripple on the water, but I loved the lines that the water made on the picture above.  We've been in and out of fog though we've had very little rain and overall the weather has been nice - cloudy mostly but some sun peaking through at times.

Everything here seems to be in shades of blue and grey.  When you get close enough to land you can add green to the mix too.  So beautiful!

This was on a tight turn in the passage.  At times the channel seemed so narrow that the ferry wouldn't have fit sideways!  I think the purser said it was a lighthouse, but I'm not 100% sure about that (and to me it doesn't look like a lighthouse!).

Right at dusk on Sunday we passed through some very close channels and saw this waterfall cascading into the sea.

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