10 August 2012

Moorhead, MN

We drove from Minneapolis to Moorhead, MN today (Thursday, Aug 9).  It was uneventful – no traffic, no blown tires, nice and scenic.  I took this picture as I drove, but don’t worry, I waited until the road was flat and straight and there wasn’t much traffic around to take it.  

We got to my Grandma’s house about 6:30 pm and she had an amazing dinner on the table and waiting - BBQ ribs, baked potatoes, corn on the cob and PIE.  Aren’t Grandmas awesome??  The roads around her place have been moved around a bit and we had to make three U-turns to get to the right place.  Seca’s settling in and mostly leaving the cat alone.  We’ll head out again tomorrow morning for Medora, ND.

Aunt Janet and Uncle Darren joined us for dinner, and afterwards we showed everyone the (increasingly messy) RV.  While outside we noticed that Janet and Darren’s car had a flat tire!  We helped them get the spare put on (we need all the good karma we can get!)…glad that happened in the driveway and not driving down the road.

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