13 August 2012

Snoqualmie, WA

Whew!  Almost there!  We're just outside Seattle, at a very cute RV park (Blue Sky RV Park - totally recommend it!).  We'll stay here two nights.  Tomorrow we're going into Seattle to do some touristy things and hit up the REI store there.  Then Wednesday we'll head towards Bellingham to catch the ferry on Saturday. Our neighbors at the RV park were in Montana a couple of days ago and got caught in a really bad storm - their RV has dents all over it from the hail and they said several RVs were destroyed.  I'm very glad we missed that!

Today we left Coeur d'Alene at about 8:30 am and arrived at about 3:30 pm.  I'm sick of being in the truck.  The mountains are gorgeous here (of course I don't have a picture yet).  However, it was very hot in eastern Washington on the high plains - we stopped at a scenic overlook and it was probably 100 degrees outside.  Yuck.  I did snap this very hot and hazy photo though...

We don't have internet at the RV park so we're in town at a coffee shop drinking awesome but expensive froo-froo coffee drinks.  :)  On the way back to the park we want to stop at Snoqualmie Falls, but I won't be able to post again until we're back into internet range, maybe Tues or Weds. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your brief spell in Bellingham. That is my old college stomping ground. Would sell my soul to be able to move back there one day.
