12 August 2012


                                        A great view from Don and Shine's backyard!

Saturday: It was 300+ miles from Medora to Belgrade, MT.  The first four hours alternated between very, very windy and mild- to moderate rain.  I preferred the rain because the wind was coming across the interstate and pushing us all over the road.  Strangely, it wasn’t ever windy and rainy at the same time.  Happily, the driving was uneventful, rather scenic, and long.  Montana is much longer than North Dakota and we’re going to be seeing a lot more of it!

We stayed Saturday night at Don and Shine’s house – old family friends (and distant relatives) that I haven’t seen in a long time…and as an added bonus, their kids Brian and Kelly, and Brian’s fiancée and daughter were in town too!  It was really fun to see them all again and catch up on old times.  Plus, they made a great dinner, with salad parts fresh from the garden!  From Don and Shine’s house you can see 5 mountain ranges on a clear day – awesome.  And the best part is no mosquitoes and it gets really cool at night.  It was in the mid-50s I think over night and perfect for sleeping in Irv with the windows open. 

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