21 August 2012


We have arrived!  Tuesday morning at 6 am we pulled into the ferry terminal in Juneau, AK.  It is stunningly beautiful here, far surpassing everything we'd seen on the boat.  WOW.  Just, wow. 

 We're surrounded by water and snow-covered peaks.

You can see Mendenhall Glacier from the ship!  It literally looms over town.

We unloaded the vehicles and drove to the RV park where we'll be living.  It was only a couple of miles from the ferry terminal. The office didn't open until 10 so we had some time to explore downtown Juneau (several miles south of where we will be living).  The cruise ships dock downtown and there were several in town.  We drove to the end of the road - literally - on the south end.  There were dozens of gulls and a few eagles feasting on salmon carcasses. 

The rest of the day Tuesday was spent running errands, setting up the RV, opening a bank account, and getting some paperwork done at school.  I'll post more pictures of Juneau as we explore.  For a few days we'll be busy getting things settled.  School starts for me next Thursday!

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