30 August 2012

Our neighbors

Someone asked about our neighbors and the RV park, so here’s the scoop.  We’re in a park with mostly permanent residents.  They’re largely blue collar workers (which seems pretty common here), and everyone we’ve met so far has been incredibly nice and welcoming.  It’s a nice place, though some of the trailers are a bit run down.  Our immediate neighbors are Cliff (on the left, we share a patch of yard) and Pete (on the right).  Cliff’s been living here in the park for 6 years (and had lots of good tips for us), works in construction during the warmer season and odd jobs during the slow season.  Pete has lived all over the Pacific Northwest  and Rocky Mountains and is a helicopter mechanic.  Most of the RVs and trailers in the park look like they’ve been here a long time and have large propane tanks hooked set up outside (we’ll need to look into that).  

The Park manager lives in a little house on the property.  Her niece owns the park (just bought it this summer) and Sharon moved here a couple of months ago from Idaho to manage the park.  There’s a small bath house with one men’s and one women’s shower (and toilet/sink in each) and washers and driers.  Steve got the low down from another resident about which washer and drier is best.  The bathrooms are clean.  Because of the humidity issues we’re using our RV shower for storage and showering in the bath house (and we have to pay a little extra each month for that).  We haven’t had a lot of issues with needing to wait for the showers to be open, but if we do in the future that may get annoying.

The Park is immediately across the street from a marina and Auke Bay.  It’s a pretty fantastic view.  We’ve heard through the grapevine that in a few years the RV park will be developed into condos.  We’ll have to find alternate living arrangements before then, though we’d probably get a decent amount of advance notice (I hope).  Across the street and to the left a bit is the Post Office.  Very convenient.  Work for me is about 5 miles ‘out the road’ or roughly north and away from the city.

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