19 August 2012

Inside passage of British Columbia area (Sunday morning)

Woke up at 5:30 am AK time.  Showered and went up to watch the scenery.  It’s very windy up at the front of the boat, but I occasionally pop out to take some pictures.  Early Sunday I caught some photos of the early morning sun.  
The front lounge is a good place to hang out – quiet and bright, with a good view (photo of lounge).   

It was clear early in the morning then we entered very thick fog for a while.

We’re passing up the inside channel along BC and in some places it’s fairly narrow.  We’ll move out of the channel by about 11 am and they came onto the intercom to say it may be rougher then (it wasn't though). 

Because it's so narrow, the currents are very strong in some places – you can see them swirling in this picture.  

We saw our first marine mammals!  In the distance there was a whale surfacing repeatedly, and I happened to catch this one right by the boat.  I think it may be a minke, but I'm not really sure.  We also saw a seal and some dolphins or porpoises.  

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