17 August 2012

North Cascades National Park

Today, we went for a drive up into North Cascades National Park.  We drove for about an hour and a half, working our way into the park.  It was HOT outside - in the 90s - which is unusual for the area. The locals were delighted, I was sad.  Since it wasn't very humid, it was at least cool in the shade, so our campsite was nice.

This is the Skagit River, just up the road from our campground, with the Cascade Mtns in the background.

There were a lot of people exploring the park on motorcycle, which made Steve sad since we were in the truck.

This is Gorge Falls, right off the main highway in the park.  The picture is deceptive, the falls are very tall!

The overlook at either Diablo Lake or Ross Lake - I can't remember.  This is where we turned around and headed back to camp.  The water color was spectacular!

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