08 August 2012

In Minnesota!

We made it to Minneapolis - woo hoo!  We're leaving for Fargo on Thursday.  We've had no RV or truck problems since Kentucky, so I hope the smooth sailing continues.  Last night we unloaded some stuff from the RV at my mom's.  It's stuff that we're storing for the longer term and don't think we'll need in Juneau - our big, heavy dishes, some extra pots, etc.  Today we ran around and picked up things we're running out of for the trip like snacks and saline solution for our contacts.  It was also a day to check email, balance the checkbook (and see the damage of a new fuel pump and many, many gallons of expensive gas!), and I got a haircut (finally!).

Brian, Wes, and Steve played in the pool.  It's in the 70s only, but the pool is 90+, so it's nice in the water!

Crazy Uncle Steve showing Wes how to do backflips...

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