16 August 2012

Seattle and Bellingham

UPDATE! Scroll down for new pictures!

No pictures yet, but will post some after I download them.  We're at a Starbucks in Bellingham.  We did a drive-by of the Alaska Ferry terminal so we know where we need to go on Saturday.  It's a pretty straightforward trip from the park where we're staying (about 1 hour from Bellingham).
So, now we're staying at Rasar State Park.  We're in a beautiful site without water or electric, which is ok by us.  We cooked dinner over the fire last night, without the hum of generators or overhead street lights.  This style of camping is much more 'us'.  Our site (number 17) is probably one of the best in the park - you can barely see the only neighboring site through the thick woods and it's completely shady and cool.  This area is getting the warmest temps they've seen all year.  Ugh, I can't escape the heat. However, it is still nice and cool at night.

Today we're going to hit up a grocery store for dinner parts - maybe some fresh fish?  Then I want to show Steve Anacortes before we go back to the camper.  I don't think we'll get back down here for internet before Saturday, and even if we'll have time before we hit the ferry.  I may try to do a short post from Steve's phone if I can.  So, if you don't hear from us, we're on the ferry!

Update: added 8-22-12...

We spent Thursday in Bellingham (checking out the ferry terminal in advance) and Anacortes.   We picked up some groceries and couldn’t help ourselves from getting these dino-shaped kids vitamin drinks.  They weren’t very good, but we’ll keep the bottles.   

This is the underside of the Deception Pass bridge in Anacortes. 

It was beautiful and the current rushing through the narrow channel was really strong.   While in Anacortes we also went to Washington Park and took a scenic drive through the city and surrounding area. 

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