26 April 2012

CSA week 4

I'm getting into a routine now - leave work, pick up veggies, lay them out, take a picture, prep as much as I can, sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy.  I cut the tops off the carrots, radishes, beets, then roast the beets right away.  This helps reduce the amount of space everything takes up in the fridge.  I trim the onions too - the roots are usually dirty.  Then I bag the greens in plastic (unwashed) so they don't get limp and dried out.  Today I'll shell the peas too, and have to resist the temptation to eat all the strawberries before Steve gets home.

This week's share:
Fresh eggs
Baby cabbages
Spring onions
Rainbow carrots
Peas (!)

I had an 'ah-ha!' moment today when picking up the veggies...I can choose smaller bunches of veggies so we're not overwhelmed with it.  Since we still have some radishes left from last week, I grabbed two small bunches this week that has white and red radishes mixed.  Some of the bunches were huge - and had a lot of big radishes.  I also grabbed the two smallest bunches of kale I could see.  We just don't need that much.  And I will admit that I threw our share of turnips into the 'free' bucket.  I just didn't want any this week.

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