03 May 2012

CSA week 5

More good veggies this week - and some new items, which is a nice change.  We've got:
Green garlic
Sweet onions
Baby red potatoes

I opted to not grab the turnips this week.  I'm going out of town Sunday-Friday next week and I don't think we'll eat turnips before I go and I seriously doubt Steve will eat them while I'm gone.  I'll be in Miami for an assessment workshop - it will be my last in-person workshop at my current job.  I'm actually pretty sad about that because I get to work with some really great scientists and I'll miss interacting with them.

It's been a busy week - and I'm glad it's almost the weekend again.  Our garage sale last weekend was a big success.  We should have taken before and after pictures.  The 'before' items were spread all over the driveway, and both sides of the yard.  'After' there were only a couple of big items left (kayaks, the table) and a few small things.  We made a run to Goodwill with the things that we didn't want to bother selling on Craigslist then put the rest of the items on Craigslist.  Since then, a few more things have sold.  I look around the house and we still have way too much stuff!

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