19 April 2012

CSA week 3

Whoa - this week we got a HUGE bag of produce. It took our usual 'CSA bag' plus three smaller bags to get it all to the car.  I traded the turnips we were supposed to get for an extra two bunches of radishes (and both parties were delighted by the trade).  There are TWO bunches of beets this week (I'm salivating already).  I'm really excited for the new lettuce type that's in the back right of the picture - it's two small heads of leaf lettuce.  I think I'll have a big salad with radishes, beets, and carrots for lunch tomorrow.  We're getting a little behind on the eggs as we still have four left from last week and another dozen we picked up today, so I'm going to hard boil a bunch and have them for snacking (Steve likes to take them for lunch).

The list:
Bok choy (I sense another stirfry in our future)
Head lettuce
Rainbow chard
Mesclun mix
Spring onions
Green garlic
Rainbow carrots

Last week I cooked the turnip greens with bacon and green garlic and it was really awesome!  I was excited to see green garlic again in the box this week.  I think it would be good with the bok choy, or the rainbow chard.  This week I'm not going to explicitly plan a menu since I want to try to eat what needs to be eaten (i.e. to keep it from going bad) as the week goes on.

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