12 April 2012

CSA week 2

Well this week's box of produce seems a bit more manageable than last week.  I think it's a combination of knowing what to expect and getting less stuff that seems like we need to eat it all right now.  In general, we don't keep a lot of food in the refrigerator at any given time.  We usually shop multiple times a week, getting just what we need for the next day or two.  Getting this much produce at once stresses me out a bit because I hate to waste food, and I worry that we won't eat it before it goes bad.  But, I'll have to learn to get over it.

In this week's share:
Asparagus (probably the last of the season?)
Spring onions
Rainbow chard
Beets (yay!)
"Asian greens" (need to investigate what those are)
Green garlic
Turnips (came with the greens on this week, so am cooking them up for dinner tonight...with bacon!)
Eggs (still have three eggs from last week)

We're going camping this weekend with friends and are in charge of one dinner and one breakfast...so we're having grilled chicken over salad as part of dinner and some of our eggs for breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. A lot of salad this week too, huh? Last year, I made a lettuce and pea soup that was pretty good and a nice break from the salads. Also, you can make lettuce pesto that is nice. It is milder than one with basil, etc.

    Also, I came across a nice green onion risotto that used up a lot of green onions.

    CSAs are fun in that regard. You find great recipes and have to get creative. ;) I am envious of your CSA. The ones around here are not so great.
