15 April 2012

Aiken State Park

 We went camping again this weekend with friends Julie and Fred (and dog, Panda) at Aiken State Park. There wasn't a lot to do at the park, which was fine because we brought the hammock, some books, and spent a little time hiking one of the nature trails and exploring a small pond.  It was fun and we had absolutely perfect weather.
There were lots of cool critters around the park.  I think the dragonflies and damselflies were hatching - they were everywhere. Can you spot the frog in this picture?

Seca found a muddy stream to play in, then went for a swim while Steve walked beside her.  When she came out of the water from her swim she had a tiny frog on her back!  It went flying when she shook off.

 And Steve, embracing his inner 6 year old...

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