09 April 2012

kayaking II

We went kayaking again on Easter Sunday, inland this time.  We kayaked 9 miles of the Edisto River, which took about 3 hours.  For the first 3-4 miles the water was moving pretty fast so we didn't paddle much, mostly just correcting our position in the river or moving towards something we wanted to see.  By the time we hit mile 7-8 or so, the current had slowed down quite a bit and we had to paddle pretty steadily...the headwind made for a nice cooling breeze but also slowed our progress at the end too.  I was tired by the time we go off the water!

We were both surprised that we didn't see much wildlife other than this snake (a rainbow snake, not poisonous) at the launch site and some turtles on the water.  It's not like we were expecting a zoo, but I figured we'd see more birds. There weren't a lot of other boaters out either, which was nice compared to the traffic on the harbor from Saturday's trip.  We're really torn about whether we want to sell the kayaks or not...we're thinking we'll try to sell them.  They're fun and we like going out, but they're honestly more kayak than we need (14 footers would be better, I think) and they're too heavy to load solo, making it harder to just head out for a short paddle.

We got a bit of a late start since I made a big breakfast - homemade quiche (even the crust!) and a kale-bean-tomato...thing.  The kale stuff grew on us after a couple of bites.  The quiche was fantastic but had so much butter, cheese, cream, and whole milk that I can't justify making it very often (or ever again).  It's a good thing we got a workout on the river!

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