11 April 2012

Week one CSA notes

Today we will finish off most of the produce we got last week from the CSA.  We have turnips left, but I see that we're getting more this week and there's a recipe I want to try that calls for 2 lbs and right now we only have 1 lb. We ate A LOT of salad - with the carrots, beets, onion, and radishes we got as well as some feta cheese and homemade mustard vinaigrette.  I think I could eat beets every day of the week and never get sick of them (I'm weird - I love beets but hate chocolate ice cream), but Steve doesn't like beets (more for me!).

It was fun trying new things and trying to find recipes to use up what is fresh.  However, it is a lot of work to make dinner from scratch every night - washing the greens, scrubbing veggies, chopping, etc, it takes time.  As summer progresses I worry that I'll get sick of all the prep time and long for convenience.  We also ate very little meat this week - mostly eggs and tofu, with a tiny bit of bacon in the quiche and one of the recipes for cooked greens.  That won't be the case every week, but with so many veggies we didn't really miss the meat.

Some random notes I jotted down this week...
We liked:
The arugula - wow - so good, I'd like this in my salad every night! 
The carrots and radishes we so much better than ever from a grocery store.

We didn't like:
Kale.  Maybe 'didn't like' is too strong of a phrase...they were just 'meh'.  Wouldn't seek them out.  Maybe I just need to find a better recipe?
Beet greens (actually, they were red).  Again, they were just ok, kind of bitter.  Will try again, but will look for a different way to cook them.

Other random notes:
The egg shells on these eggs are noticeably thicker than what we're used to.  It takes a much bigger *whack* to crack one open, and I love that they're all different shades of brown.


  1. Kale is great in soups. I prefer it to spinach in that application. Also, it is great with potatoes (as in potato and kale patties or stuffed potatoes). It pares nicely with sausage.

    I love arugula. It is great with pasta too.

    The egg shells is a result of them getting more calcium in their feed.

    Glad you like beets. I can't stand them. Taste like dirt. ;)

  2. Oooh - I love the idea of kale and potato patties, or kale and sausage! I'll have to look for recipes like that.

    Beets taste like GOOD dirt. Yummy, delicious beety dirt. :)
