25 April 2012

The great purge

Along with a 4000 mile move to a place that can only be reached by air or boat, and more importantly, a move where there is nobody else paying for relocation expenses, comes a massive purging of most everything we own.  We have two main piles in the house - garage sale, and keep.  The garage sale pile is much, much bigger.  We also have sub-piles of 'shred', Goodwill, recycle, and garbage.  We're holding the garage sale this Saturday, so we're hoping for excellent weather.  We've spent the last couple of weeks brutally stripping our personal belongs down to the bare minimum...most photographs - GONE, but keep the negatives; books - mostly GONE, but keeping a few cookbooks; file cabinet full of a decade worth of files - GONE!  and good riddance!.  In the most shocking turn of events in almost a decade of marriage to Steve (10 years on May 25th!)...Steve has decided to sell both of his motorcycles before we move.  There are strings attached, of course, but it was his idea.

The plan:
Leave Charleston on or about August 2-3.  Drive to Bellingham, WA via Madison, Minneapolis, Fargo, and Bozeman.  Visit people.  Eat Wisconsin cheese.  Board a ferry (2.5 days travel time) to Juneau on August 18.  Enjoy every moment of the trip.

The 'fuzzy' details:
Where to live once in Juneau.  We're still working on that part and it's stressful for me.  Housing (and everything else) is crazy expensive in Juneau, and we'd really, really like to try to live (at least until Steve finds a job) on my student salary alone so we don't have to draw from our savings.  So right now we're thinking renting a room in a house, buying a cheap RV and parking it at an RV park, or maybe even a liveaboard boat (that's not my preference, it was pretty cold doing that in Maryland in the winter, can't imagine it would be any better in Juneau).  Also: How to move our stuff?  We're looking into an enclosed 5x8 or 5x10 ft trailer to tow with our Tacoma - that's it - if it doesn't fit in there, we're not moving it. 

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