14 August 2014

End of an era

Last night we signed a lease for an apartment!  We'll be moving from Irv into a (comparatively) spacious 450-ish square foot apartment...partially furnished (whew, since we don't have any), one bedroom, one bathroom, seemingly endless storage.  It's a tiny bit sad, because Irv was fun, but I'm mostly delighted.  Less cold, less damp, more space.  Seca should be happy too - it's a ground level apartment next to some great dog-walking areas.  We won't move until mid-November, since the current tenant is still in residence.  We are keeping Irv though.

In other news, I leave tomorrow for another fish/ocean survey.  This one will be on a trawler, doing surface trawls and oceanography stuff.  I fly to Yakutat to meet the boat, then we sample our way back towards Juneau, arriving back here on Aug 27th.  This means by the end of this summer I will have traveled by boat the whole coast of Alaska from Bellingham, WA to just past Adak, AK on the Gulf side (but not all this summer).  Pretty cool.  I'm probably NOT taking my good camera for this trip.  I need to spend all of my down time working on my school stuff, unfortunately.

Steve's been crazy busy between the personal training and still working 3 days a week at the outdoor store.  He seems to really enjoy the personal training, and he's been helping kick my butt into shape too.  His gym boss wants him to teach a multi-week 'Bootcamp' style class for a small, pre-registered group of participants, so that's kind of fun and challenging for him to think about. 

We've had record-breaking rainfall in the past 10 days or so.  Ugh, inches and inches per day, which means Mendenhall lake and river are flooding again.  The other night the rain came down so hard it woke us up and I needed to put in earplugs to go back to sleep. 

This crazy looking yacht was in Auke Bay last night.  It's 390 feet long, and owned by a Russian billionaire.  It also looks like something a James Bond villain would own...Not suggesting that the actual owner is a James Bond villain; he just has villainy taste in boats.
And finally, this bumper sticker made me laugh.  We, too, like to poke dead things with sticks.  Preferably while on beaches.

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