25 August 2014

So close

The weather calmed down over night, and overnight we had headed in towards shore to start sampling close and work our way back out, so that help us find calmer seas too.  The sun actually came out in the afternoon, so it was nice out while we scrubbed down all the gear and packed things away for offloading.  

Today is my bunkmate’s birthday, so the cook charred some steaks into nearly inedible meat pucks to help us celebrate.  Cook also made a cheesecake with the weirdest texture, it was rubbery and…snappy.  Like, it would probably bounce if you dropped it on the floor.  We all ate some though.  Wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.

Tomorrow, home!  Predicted to get in at 1 pm, then offload since it’ll be high tide and not as hard to get things off the boat.

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