26 August 2014


So we made good time last night, and actually arrived in Juneau at 8 am instead of 1 pm.  That means we had a bit of a scramble to get things ready to offload, but we were done and off the boat by about 9:30 am.  It is good to be home.  This was an unusual trip, and I didn’t have as much fun overall – mostly because of the weird personnel dynamic on the boat.  We didn’t work very well as a team, which is odd and unfortunate.  But, there were some good times too, so it wasn’t all a loss.  
Oh, and check this out.  To get off the boat (with all your gear and duffel bags slung over your back/shoulders) you have to leap the cavern of doom (aka the gap between the ladder and gangplank), then climb about 15 feet up the (slippery, wet) ladder.  *shudder*  I had to make two trips to get all my stuff off.  On the way down to get my second load, the boat shifted away so it was about 4 feet to the gangplank, much farther than I was willing to stretch/jump.  So, I had to hang out on the ladder for several minutes until the boat drifted back…I thought clinging there for a bit was a better option than climbing back up, then back down once it was closer.  Glad I don’t have to do that every day!

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