20 August 2014

shark and sablefish

I’m ready to be home, but there still at least five sampling days left.  At least I am in a groove now and don’t need to ask so many questions all the time.  Most of the other sciency peeps on board are nice, one is kind of a turd.  One is a close friend from school, the rest were pretty much strangers.  They aren’t very good at explaining what needs to be done, but I think that’s what happens when they’ve all been working together for weeks then I come in to replace someone.  

We’re catching a lot of salmon still, and today we caught a blue shark (above) and a bunch of small sablefish.  They are so pretty!
This morning we though we saw another ocean sunfish (mola mola) at the surface, and a salmon shark or two swimming around the boat at the surface.  The water was glassy and calm, this was my view:
Today we did five stations, so it was a 14 hour day, with not much downtime in between stations.  I’m tired from standing on a steel deck all day, and my shower felt amazing.  I think I was covered in a record amount of fish scales and jellyfish slime.  I even had it in my hair.  Hmmm…I wonder if jellyfish makes a good conditioner??

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