24 August 2014

Bad weather and tons of fish

It looks like this trip is going to end the way it started…with grey skies, wind blowing 40 knots, sideways rain, and big waves tossing us about while working on deck.  Today we were only going to do three sampling sites to finish out our transect.  Unfortunately, the final tow of the day brought up an estimated 3 tons of fish, and it took hours to sort and measure.  By the time we were done, the weather was full-on crap, and we were all covered in fish slime (some more than others, because jumping into a fish pile is fun?).  
I stripped off my gear and went up to the wheelhouse to take this video, so y’all can experience it too.  This is taken from about -3040 feet above the water (at calm water).  Even though it looks kinda bad, they actually fish in a lot worse weather in the winter.  I didn’t get seasick this time, but I didn’t linger in the wheelhouse very long either.  
Tomorrow is our last day of sampling!

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