29 July 2014

I got to drive the boat!!

From here on out, we're stopping in villages we also saw on the trip out to Unalaska.  The vessel captain has been really good about pointing out whales and driving the ferry off course (a bit) to see interesting geological features or to slow down and watch marine mammals.  We've had such calm water that we're making good time so I think that frees us up to see some of the interesting scenery along the way.

Volcanic rocks
There's not a lot of people who are doing the round trip with us - many of the people who went from Homer to Unalaska got off to fly back from Unalaska.  It's been quieter on the boat, but more fishermen have gotten on too.  It's been really interesting to talk to people who live in these small villages.  Some were born and raised there, others chose to move there.  I don't think I could live out here...where the boat only comes twice a month in the summer and then you can pretty much only travel by personal boat or airplane the rest of the (long, cold, windy) year.

Elephant rock.
Those of us who were on the boat for the whole trip were invited up to the bridge for a relaxed tour and chance to meet some of the crew.  I was talking with the helmsman (who steers the boat) and he asked if I wanted to try steering - of course I said yes. They drive the boat with big ships, wheel, and there's no autopilot!  I was surprised, but then again, the boat is 50 years old.

 Some other nice scenery pictures from the trip:

Sand Point.
Overall, it was a really, really neat trip, and I'm glad we did it.  We saw so many whales and porpoises, got to wander around tiny villages that most people have never heard of, let alone visit. 

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