06 January 2014

Welcome to 2014!

I had to write '2014' for the first time yesterday and it was weird.  I feel like 2013 flew by so quickly!  I wish everyone a fun, safe, and healthy 2014.  :)

For all our family and friends in the midwest - stay warm!  You're making the news up here in Alaska.  Mostly, we're talking about how nice it is that we've had temps in the mid to upper 30s and rain for the past week (at least here in SE Alaska).  Random tidbit that probably won't make you feel any warmer but may make you really glad you don't live in central Alaska (aka Fairbanks):  They don't cancel outdoor recess for the K-12 kids unless it's colder than -20 F.  Holy crap.  That seems awfully cold to have kids outside, but I guess when highs are below 0 for most of the winter, you adjust your standards. In the meantime, pile on the layers and I hope the cold weather system passes by you all quickly!
Pacific coast near Paracas, Peru (June 2005)
This weekend I spent a couple of hours pulling out pictures from the big trip Steve and I took in 2005.  I'm giving a travel lunch presentation (like the Antarctica one I talked about in December) about the trip this spring - probably in February.  We call the 2005 trip our 'mini around the world trip' because we spent six weeks traveling in Peru, Morocco, Spain, France, and England...Three continents in six weeks.  Looking through all the pictures really gave me the travel bug again, so we've been talking about planning another big trip.  We can't get away for 6 weeks, but maybe 3 this time.  It takes so long to get anywhere from here (and it's so expensive) that we want to be gone long enough to make it worthwhile.  So, we're tossing around ideas about where to go.  One big per-requisite is that it has to be pretty cheap once we get there since as a student I don't make a lot of money.  Steve's requirement is that is has to be hot/tropical.  I think we're leaning towards southeast Asia - perhaps one or two countries - choosing from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.  I love planning trips!

Marrakesh, Morocco (June 2005)


  1. I think what is worse about the cold is that I am completely unprepared for it. Why buy all the warm (and expensive) gear if your child will only wear it once? So, while I would like to carpe diem it up outside, we just can't. Also, the fluctuations have been killer--19 degrees today and up to near 60 on Saturday? Crazy.

    I hope you share your plans of your trip. I would like to live vicariously. I can understand why Steve might want someplace warm right now. :)

  2. I hear you about being unprepared for the weather. I no longer own any shorts, so I was frustrated the (very few) days this summer when it actually got warm and I only had long pants! But it's so much worse for kids since they'll just grow out of things each year. Good luck finding things to keep everyone busy inside. And yes, we'll share plans and options we're thinking about as we go. I finally tracked down some guide books at the local library so can start reading up on different SE Asia places. Fun!
