16 January 2014

Do not trust this face!

She looks cute and unassuming, but she's thinking of 100 ways to eat your carpet and chew up your shoes. 

She is also a good reminder of why we don't have a puppy or another dog.  :)  Or children.  If I can't handle a puppy, I definitely can't handle children. 

Meet Mochi.  She's good some of the time, quite all night (oh sweet lord what a mess I would be if she wasn't), can't handle being in a crate without making a horrible fuss, and is rapidly stressing out Seca.  But she's cute.  And she walks pretty well on a leash and makes the cutest, frustrated sighing noise when she finally settles in to sleep at night.  Seca's pretty sensitive to noise, always has been, so Mochi's yippy bark and high pitched whines were really stressing Seca out.  So I have Mochi in the car today while I'm at the lab.  She's in her kennel, and I think it behaving herself.  We'll see when I check on her at lunch time...

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