14 January 2014

Rain, rain, go away

Ugh.  It's been really rainy lately, and with all the snow melting the roads are becoming flooded and it's hard to stay cooped up inside.  We're supposed to get about 2 inches of rain today. And it's incessant rain, not intermittent rain like we usually get.  When I was driving today I saw some huge waterfalls coming off the cliffs into the roads.  I hope all this rain doesn't do any damage to the roads are cause any washouts. I think I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night because the rain was so loud and because...we're taking care of my advisor's puppy for the next two weeks!  Last night she stayed at our place.  It went pretty well, overall.  She's a 'sleeps on the bed dog', which Seca never was allowed to do.  We tried putting her in her kennel for the night (which is a huge space-eating addition to Irv), but she was not interested in staying there and was very vocal about it.  But, once she was on the bed she curled up at our feet and was quiet and still all night.  That's a relief! 

The puppy's name is Mochi (Moe-key); she's a 4 month-old collie.  Seca is tolerating her amazingly well.  Mochi will jump on Seca and Seca doesn't growl.  In fact, this morning Seca was eating breakfast and I was hurrying to get Mochi's food in her bowl and I turned around and Mochi's head was in Seca's dish right along with Seca.  Yikes!  Normally Seca's pretty territorial about her food/treats with other dogs.  I can't believe Seca didn't snap at her.  I quickly split them up, just in case Seca had second thoughts.  I'll post pictures of Mochi soon!

A funny story from this weekend...I was walking Seca during a brief break in the rain and had just taken a very ungraceful fall on some ice, landing half in the road, half on the sidewalk.  Just as I was picking myself up (OUCH!), Seca decided to poo (thankfully after I fell, so I didn't fall in it!).  I picked it up in a bag and was tying it off when a big garbage truck stopped next to me and the garbage men rolled down the window and asked if I wanted to toss her poo bag in the back!  I wonder if they saw me fall and felt bad?  Anyways, I laughed pretty hard about it. 

Ok, I'll try to get some pictures up today or tomorrow.  Puppies are a lot of work!  That's a good reminder for me.  :)

UPDATE - Whoa!  Emergency flood alert here.  We're getting 1-1.5 inches of rain every six hours and several local creeks are over their record flood stage.  And there's been a mudslide out the road!  All is well at Irv though (haven't noticed any water leaks, knock on wood!).  Crappy weather to have a rambunctious puppy around though!

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