18 January 2014

Not a bad view

Good morning all!

Another Mochi update - after playing with another ~4 month old puppy for 2 1/2 hours last night, Mochi crashed HARD.  Finally!  She was a wiped-out puppy last night and this morning too.
On a walk!
Mochi and I are having a chill-out day today.  We just went for a walk and while it's not exactly 'sunny' it's not raining and the cloud ceiling is high, and there's a few breaks in the clouds here and there.  So, pretty nice for Juneau!

Not a bad view from the deck. :)
Because it's pretty nice out, I can actually enjoy the view from The House today.  It sits on a cliff, about 30 feet below the level of the road, and still ~60 or so feet above the water.  It's surrounded by trees and there's a gorgeous view of Lynn Canal, Shelter Island in the foreground, and the Chilkat Mountains in the distance.  As we were coming in from our walk I heard some sea lions grunting and spashing in the water, but I couldn't see them behind the trees.  Neat-o!  I guess you see (and hear!) a lot of whales out here too.
Zoomed in on the Chilkats from the deck.

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