21 January 2014

Mochi, Mochi, Mochi

So this house sits on a steep hill and there's not a lot of flat places for Mochi to poo.  That means she does her duty on a hill, and this morning I laughed until I cried at what happened when she did.  In the barely-there light of morning I took her out to do her business and when a fresh turd went rolling down the hill, she chased after it.  When she caught up to it her head snapped back and she looked at me with her big, wide puppy eyes...she seemed equally horrified and annoyed that it was poo, not something to play with...and then cut a wide circle around it (as wide as the leash would allow) on her way back up.  I stood there laughing and laughing.

While we were outside tonight I realized that the septic line up to the road has a leak (i was running the washing machine and saw it leak out some water) which explains why Mochi keeps trying to go under the stairs.  It must smell very enticing to a dog, or at least better than her own poo.   And while we were outside I heard a whale!  It was pitch black out so I can't be sure, but it was much louder than what I think were sea lions the other day, and much bigger breaths too.  I sounded really close to shore.

Oh, and today I think Mochi finally got the hang of playing fetch!

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