17 January 2014

Giving up

Yesterday Mochi did behave very well in the car all day.  She was in her kennel, so she didn't have free rein over the whole car, or she probably would have eaten the seats. 

But last night she just wouldn't settle down to go to bed.  She would jump off (landing on Seca, of course), and dart under the bed and start tearing up and chewing on the exposed carpet padding under there.  So, completely frustrated and knowing Steve HAD to get up at 4:30 to teach a class at the gym, I finally gave up and got her in the car and we went to my advisor's house for the night.  Tonight I'm packing up what I'll need to stay there until we're done puppy-sitting.  There's just not enough space in Irv for a rambunctious puppy to run, and we're not at all puppy-proofed.  Too many enticing things to chew on, and despite Mochi's best attempts at getting Seca to play, Seca wants absolutely nothing to do with Mochi.  Seca will stand with her head in the corner by the door, silently begging to be let outside and away from the Little Terror. 

There is another student at the lab with a young dog - Zephyr is about 8 months old and quite a bit bigger than Mochi.  But at lunch time yesterday we let them both out to play in the snow at the lab.  At first, Zephyr played really rough, pinning Mochi to the ground by her neck.  But eventually they came to a play level they could both enjoy, running up and down the snow piles (and up and down and up and down...it was exhausting just watching them...).  Tonight we have another play date for Mochi with friends that have a young puppy.  We're going for dinner and leaving Seca at Irv so the old lady can get some peace and quite.  I don't think she'd enjoy watching the puppies play anyways.

Oh, and the sun came out for a few minutes this morning.  It's a miracle!!   


  1. Maybe it's not "giving up," but rather "realigning expectations." ;)
