27 January 2014

Done puppy-sitting

I finished watching Mochi on Thursday, and I miss her!  :(

We've had terrible fog here for almost a week straight.  Thursday was the only reasonable good day all week, airplanes were able to land, but then it got even worse Friday through Sunday.  Most of my fellow students and almost all the faculty were up in Anchorage at a conference last week, all scheduled to fly home Friday.  Most are now stuck in Anchorage, Seattle, or one of the small communities around Juneau (Sitka, Petersburg, or Ketchikan).  Planes will sometimes take off even if they don't know for sure if they'll be able to land in their intended destination.  If they can't land they divert to the next scheduled stop, which may be all the way down in Seattle!  Those stuck should be able to get home today finally.  A few got to Petersburg then hopped the ferry last night...others will be able to fly today.  That's the breaks traveling in winter (or any season, really) in Alaska.  Very unpredictable weather, and tough approaches for most airports mean you could be stuck for days!  I friend was living in Fairbanks and trying to get to Juneau for the holidays...and ended up stuck in Portland, OR for three days waiting for weather to clear!

I got out and took a few pictures this weekend.  I was able to find a few brief breaks in the fog here and there, especially around sunset.  I'll try to get some posted soon, but I forgot to bring them in today!

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