30 September 2013


After a very busy weekend, it was nice to take Seca for a leisurely walk at the marina just before sunset.  It turned into a gorgeous day after a rainy morning.  The ripples in the water in the lower right of the picture are from a harbor seal bobbing in the water just about the boat ramp.  He took off when he saw us.

The grand re-opening at Steve's job went very well on Saturday.  I went in to say hi and see the new store at about 10:15 am - just a few minutes after they opened - and it was crazy busy already.  Steve said that was the case all day long, so the opening was a huge success!  The new store looks really nice, it's got a lot more space and I think it's a more logical layout compared to the old place and since it's less crowded it's easier to see the clothes and displays.

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