15 September 2013

Sitka field work

I'm in Sitka with three others, fishing for sablefish again.  Unlike last May when we were here, the weather so far has been fantastic.  And so has the fishing!  We've seen sea otters, sea lions, and seals out in the bay while we're sampling.  We're here fishing for two more days, then take the ferry home on Wednesday.


  1. Going back and reading your year-end recap of 2012 reminded me that you just bought the RV from me a year ago! Seems like a loooong time since you were here in Lexington trying to decide whether Irv was The One.
    I am sorry you had road and tire trouble but have to say I am pleased that you are still living in it and enjoying it. Love the blog as always.
    Chris In Lexington S.C.

  2. Hi Chris! I can't believe you're still following the blog! We still think Irv is The One, even though we're not super excited about another wet, cold winter (there's just no place to hang wet gear that's out of the way!). We've changed things around a bit for this winter, though, and I think it'll make a difference in the amount of space we have. And we definitely are still enjoying Irv life.
