10 September 2013


One night while Beth was here and wanting to head to the bath house for a shower before bed, we reassured her "Oh no, we never see bears in the RV park.  You're totally safe walking to the showers in the dark without a flashlight."  Less than two hours later, she was awakened by strange lights at the neighbors - who were outside picking up the trash that had just been strewn about by a mom and her three cubs.  Later we heard more details; the bears had shook one neighbor's trailer so hard it woke him up.  Another person found bite marks in the corner of their RV.  We looked and found claw marks (probably from the cubs) in our insulation skirting the RV.  Whoops.  I guess we do get bears in the RV park! 

They've been back since then a couple of times.  One morning we let Seca out and she went nuts sniffing all over the porch and the yard.  Bears had tipped over the pots on our porch, tipped over the recycling bin (but didn't get into it), and as we turned around to go back inside...left paw prints on our door and nose prints on our windows!  Seca is apparently not a good guard dog.

Sometime last night a bear broke into the back of the truck.  I had (stupidly) forgotten that I left a garbage bag back there when the cans were too full to put it in the community garbage cans (which are secured).  We have two handles on the back of the truck topper - left and right - and they weren't locked. They managed to turn the left one and tear off the right, then got the flip-up gate open and absconded with the whole garbage bag.  I don't know where they went to rip into it, because there wasn't garbage anywhere to be seen.  Grrr...I guess we learned the hard way to be extra vigilant!

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