28 September 2013

Snow close

It's fall!  That means snow is coming soon, at least around here.  I took this picture on the way back from dropping Steve off at work today.  We're getting regular snow in the 'sixes and sevens' - the peaks that are in the 6000-7000 foot range, which are all inland from here, in the ice field. 

We had our first frost a couple nights ago too.  That was a bit of an unpleasant surprise in the morning since I still need to dig out the ice scraper.  We need to spend a weekend winterizing soon.  We'll put the carpet padding back in (it helps insulate the floor) and need to get some new carpet for the top.  I also need to put plastic window sealant back up on the windows and roof vents.  That made a huge difference last winter, and helped keep condensation to a minimum.  But we just haven't had time!  Steve's new job is going great, but they've spent the past week moving to a new location so he's been working looong days.  They have their grand re-opening today! 

Happy fall everyone!

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