21 September 2013

Rainy Sitka

This was when I could still feel my fingers!
It's not all sunshine and rainbows in the field.  Monday and Tuesday were mostly cold and rainy, with occasional bouts of no rain.  We actually had our best fishing those days, in terms of the sheer number of sablefish we caught.  At one point we were catching 1 or 2 at a time, on every drop of the lines!
Anne, with a double!  Two sablefish at one time.
We fish with 3-4 baited hooks on a line, using squid as bait.  By the end of a couple of days fishing, the squid is getting pretty rank, and the smell never leaves your fingers. That makes snacking and eating your sandwich at lunch pretty gross. 

Natura, cutting some squid for bait.
One of the biggest downsides to fishing in the rain all day...wrinkly fingers that seem like they'll never be dry and normal again.

But, it sure is beautiful outside with the clouds and hills and occasional mirror-like calm water!

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