05 September 2013

Back to school (again)

This week marks the start of classes again.  Hopefully this will be my last semester where I need to take anything.  I have one 'official' class - Modern Applied Statistics for Fisheries.  It should be really useful and the professor is very good.  I'm sitting in on a class called Sampling Theory, and will be doing the homeworks/labs but am not taking it for credit.  It should also be a good, useful class.  I'm also starting to make some good progress on my own research, which is a relief.  This summer flew past so quickly, and I'm not as far along as I had hoped...but that's life.

Next week Friday I head back to Sitka for another week of hook and line fishing for juvenile sablefish, just like we did last May.  It will be tougher this time around because we're all in classes now, so we're taking the ferry over all day Friday, will fish Saturday-Tuesday, then ferry home on Wednesday.  I only miss four classes total.  Not ideal, but not awful.  The exciting this about this upcoming trip - I just ordered a new zoom lens for my camera and it should arrive before we leave!  I'm hoping with all the salmon in the streams that we'll see some brown bears and I can get some good pictures of them. 

And finally, now that classes are back in session, summer is officially over.  The weather has made a bit of a turn into more typical fall weather - cold, rainy, and blustery.  We're going to have to pull in the awning on Irv soon; yesterday it was rattling around in the wind quite a bit.  I've had to sleep with earplugs in the past couple of nights because it's been raining pretty hard and it gets so loud in the RV.  Happy fall everyone!

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