06 October 2013

There's ice on Mendenhall lake!

We had ice on the truck this morning!  We loaded up Seca and went for a walk at the glacier (after stopping for coffee) and there was a lot of ice on Mendenhall Lake.  Some of it will probably melt today (not the icebergs), but I'm surprised it's cold enough for ice to form.  We also saw a bear.  It was headed in a different direction from us, though. 

This picture was Steve's idea - he thought the mountains reflected in the water were cool.  I agree!

I head to Fairbanks tomorrow for the week.  Steve is holding down the fort at home.  I'm not sure if I'll have time to take any pictures, but I hope so!  I've not been to Fairbanks before.


  1. Great idea on the last photo Steve. Cool shot!

  2. NO! Ack. Well, at least you can take amazing photos of "beauty." ;)
