02 October 2011

Shem Creek kayaking


Steve, Beth and I took the kayaks out for a couple of hours today.  We kayaked upriver with the tide, then turned around when the creek was so narrow that we could almost not paddle anymore.  Coming back downriver it was almost slack tide, so it wasn't hard paddling but not as easy as going with the current.  By the time we were done we were all a little sore!  It was just nice to get out on the water again - I don't think we've had the boats out since April.  Beth had to rent a kayak and the rental company also runs the ferry out to Bull Island, which is a part of the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, just north of Charleston.  We've been talking about taking the ferry to the island since we moved here, and I think we're finally going to do it this fall.  Some people call the refuge the "Galapagos of the Eastern Seaboard".  Even if it's not that interesting, it should be a fun trip (and far cheaper than Equador).

I was hoping we'd see dolphins in the creek, but we didn't see them until the very end of the paddle.  That's ok though, we did see jumping fish (startled Steve when a big one jumped right in front of his kayak), and lots of birds.  And hey, it was a gorgeous day to be outside, so I can't complain.

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