16 October 2011

Baked potato soup

Oh man, I wish y'all could smell our house right now.  I'm making 'loaded baked potato soup' in the crockpot.  It's an endeavor that started by cooking bacon, then sauteing onions in a bit of the bacon grease.  It smells pretty awesome in here.  I'll try to take a picture of the final product and post it later...

It's been a busy week but it was all work and little fun.  The independent review of my current project was Tuesday-Thursday, which kept me busy from early in the morning until late at night.  Even though this is the easiest of my workshops since I don't actually run anything, it's still exhausting.  Steve was on his own with leftovers all week.  The review went incredibly well, which is great.  One fun note from the week - a couple of scientists from Chile have been observing my project because they want to set up their own stock assessment process back in Chile.  One of the scientists was at the review this week and a coworker and I took him out sightseeing around Charleston on Monday.  He's really fun and I've gotten to know him quite well since he's been at my last three workshops.  He told me he'd try to talk his boss into flying me to Chile to give a presentation on our stock assessment process when they finally come to the point of laying out their plan.  That would be so fun!  I'd have to bring Steve down too so we could do some sightseeing of our own.

Soup update:  Yum!  It's a definite 'make again' recipe.


  1. So, post the recipe! Or, email it to me, please!

  2. Ok - I'll scan it in tomorrow and email it!

  3. that really looks good. I need to open that cookbook and get something in my crockpot today.
