19 October 2011

Butternut squash with pasta

Tonight is another new recipe night - and it features a food Steve doesn't really like - the dreaded squash.  I, on the other hand, really love squash (and sweet potatoes and pumpkin and all things orange and starchy, I suppose). You roast the squash with onion, garlic, crushed red pepper flakes, and lemon juice, then toss with cooked penne and finish with a bit of parmesan cheese and parsley.  It's best served at room temperatures, says the recipe, but I'm not sure what I think of that idea so I may have to eat it warm.

I hope it turns out well because I don't want to be eating it (by myself) for the next week.  The recipe is from the Whole Foods Cookbook, and we'll had pretty good luck with the recipes in the book in the past...their Thai-style peanut sauce is fantastic.  I'll check back in later to tell you how it all turns out, right now it smells great.

Update:  It was really, really good!  Even Steve liked it and said I should make it again. 

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