08 October 2011

Charleston Art Walk

Four Fridays a year the Charleston art galleries stay open late for an 'art walk'.  Each place offers some food and beverages and you can stroll from gallery to gallery and admire the art for sale.  Most of the galleries are in one area of downtown, so they're easy to visit.  I'm sure the intent is to draw people in so they will buy something, but it's nice to go and look and sometimes meet the artists. And it's also just fun. 

Last night it was busy - sometimes shoulder to shoulder in the galleries - which I don't like because it gets hot and you can't see the art.  But there were some very beautiful sculptures and photographs that I would have bought if I had $10,000-30,000 to spare.  I guess I have expensive taste!  Not all of the galleries are so expensive.  It's also really fantastic people watching...some people dress up and make a night of it (we didn't).  I didn't take any pictures of the galleries but we walked around quite a bit and I did get a picture of one of the big churches (above) and this night shot of some building that I can't remember what it is (the library? or maybe it was the historical society?).  Hmmm...I'll have to go back and check...

1 comment:

  1. Now that would be a totally fun thing to do, I would love it. Mom
