29 October 2011

Coastal Carolina Fair

The Coastal Carolina Fair is a lot like the SC State Fair - only closer to home, a bit smaller, and with far better food options.  At the Coastal Carolina Fair they even had a "Hot Wisconsin Cheese" stand- yee haw!

We stuck around for about four hours, wandering the midway and buildings and watching the kids barrel racing.  Some kids were really good and clearly knew what they were doing.  Some were really, really bad.  Steve said the highlight of the fair for him was when one of the barrel racers who was really struggling to control her horse let out a "Holy Crap!" as she and her horse ran out of control past the stands.  We were pretty shocked that there was no mandatory helmet use...but then again we're pretty shocked by all the stupid things we see in this state...

Steve and Beth enjoying some hot mini-donuts.
 This was my favorite piece of kid's art.  I love the colors and for some reason it just makes me laugh (in a good way).
There were brand-new baby goats!  I think they were less than 2 days old.  I wanted to keep one. Steve said no, I could not keep it in our bedroom.  :(
And last but not least, we watched the Coastal Carolina Miss Pre-teen pagent.  The girl third from the left in the long pink gown won.  We were rooting for the girl next to her in the red, since she seemed to have the best personality.  It was surprisingly fun to watch.

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