01 October 2011

Everybody's eating breakfast

This morning we took Seca downtown for a walk in the (fabulous) cool weather.  The tide was really running hard when we arrived at the Battery and you could see where the water from the harbor was pushing into the outflow from the Ashley river.  In fact you could see a distinct line in the water where they came together.  Right at this interface there were hundreds of fish feeding in the current, and pelicans feeding on the fish with spectacular dives from the air, and then dolphins diving into the schools of fish as well.  Since we'd just come from the bagel shop where we'd gotten breakfast, Steve said "Hey look, everbody's eating breakfast!".  It was really cool to watch it all happen.

We walked along the water to Waterfront Park, where a cruise ship was loading up.  I don't know where they go from here, I'll have to look it up.  It was such a nice morning, finally, for a walk!

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