16 July 2011

A pepper problem

We've been picking those crazy hot peppers for a couple of weeks now, and they are way too hot to eat.  We have about two dozen right now.  So what do we do with them?  We've talked about trying to make some chili oil.  Or maybe trying to pickle them like you would jalapenos.  Or just composting them.  A couple of days ago I had a great idea when I used up the last of the crushed red pepper flakes - I'll dry them!  I have a food dehydrator...I've never dried whole peppers though.  If it works, maybe I'll be able to make my own crushed red pepper flakes. 

Here's a 'before' photo.  I put them in the dryer just a few minutes ago.  I don't know how long it will take, so I'll check them every couple of hours.

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