05 July 2011

More family weekend photos

It's nice to be back home in hot and steamy Charleston after a fun and busy weekend in MN. Happy Birthday to Grandma, Lance, and Wesley!  Here's a few more pictures of the weekend.

The 'dread pirate Wesley', helping with yard work...
 Brian and Keegan playing with bubbles in the pool.
 Aunt (/grandma/great auntie) Bonnie poses with Keegan.
 Connor practicing his balance on a floating noodle.
 Keegan looking cute with his sunglasses on.
 Cousin Lance playing monster for Wesley!
 Alexander hanging out near the drop off.
  Grandma, looking awesome at 86!

There's a running joke between Steve and I when I travel (which happens a lot for work)...While I'm gone he seems to make it his personal mission to eat everything in the fridge.  Our wicked-hot pepper plant produced a bunch of peppers while I was gone, but they're so hot we can't eat them.  I laughed really hard when I went to open the fridge and saw this: 
They're so artfully arranged!

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