10 July 2011


We've come up with a few more ideas about what to do when it's hot and humid outside - watch movies indoors and play at the beach!

Steve went to the beach on his day off this week and discovered the swimming and body surfing is a great way to cool off and pass the time.  So Saturday morning we headed out to the beach early to beat the crowds (they can be huge in the summer and the back-up to get to Folly Beach can stretch miles) and had some fun.  The waves were pretty good sized; most were crashing over my head.  Steve is far better at bodysurfing and much braver that I am.  I can swim just fine, but I couldn't help thinking about sharks the whole time. 

Staying indoors in an obvious choice for staying cool too.  Since Friday night, we've watched four movies...Hot tub time machine (not exactly cinematic splendor, but it was better than I was expecting), the Green Zone (in all fairness, I took a nap while Steve watched this one), Weird Science (classic!), and Mission Impossible. 

Today, we're trying to decide what to do.  There's another tubing trip down the Edisto River planned, but I've almost completely lost my voice so perhaps hanging out in a situation where I need to talk is a bad idea.  I have a webinar to run at work on Tuesday and I need to be able to talk to run it.  I'd like to go back to Charles Town Landing at some point, might be fun today.  But today is also the second Sunday in July, and that means that there are special things happening downtown.  King Street gets closed to vehicle traffic and restaurants and stores move into the street and stay open later.  We'd like to check that out too.  I'm not sure what we'll do, but if it's fun, we'll tell you about it!

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