24 July 2011

Best breakfast ever.

It's amazing how much you can get done when you get up at 6:30 am and dive right into your 'to do' list for the day.  By noon today Steve and I had mowed the yard (front and back), trimmed and hauled 6 cart loads of vines, bushes, and pine cones to the curb, made an awesome breakfast (more on that later), scrubbed the tub, ran to Costco, and cleaned the kitchen (dishes included).  Whew!  I hate house work and cleaning, but I LOVE having a clean house and tidy yard.  And I'm too cheap to pay someone else to do it for me.  :)

Now, about this breakfast.  I while back I made some really awesome cheddar jalapeno bread.  At the time, I was thinking it would be a good base recipe for other ingredients because the dough was wet enough to incorporate lots of 'stuff' but still came out like good baked bread.  I toyed around with the idea of dried fruit or olive and rosemary variations.  Yesterday I altered the recipe and made cinnamon raisin bread (with some dried cherries in there for extra goodness), and it turned out great.  The whole house smelled fantastic while it was baking.  This morning, I used the bread to make french toast with a caramelized crust on one side.  It was spectacular.  Crunchy sweet shell, soft fruit-studded interior, a little drizzle of real maple syrup, a couple slices of bacon on the side...perfect.  So the real question is, when are you coming over for breakfast?

This is the unadulterated 'naked' photo... before I covered it in butter and syrup and added a slice of bacon to the side.  After all, I'd hate to distract you from the real focus.

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