17 July 2011

Forty acres of rock

 Today we went with a local Meetup group to Forty Acre Rock Heritage Park, which is about 3 hours from Charleston.  The giant rock in the park is actually only 14 acres, not 40, but it's still an impressive slab of granite with great views and a couple of hours worth of good hiking.  For once, it wasn't too hot or humid today, and the breeze at the top was really nice.  The park features pools of water that collect on top of the rock and harbor rare plant species.  Most aren't blooming this time of year, but we definitely want to go back in the spring.  Check out the link above for more information about the cool plants that live there. 

Here are some more photos from the trip.  A giant millipede on the trail - it was about 2 inches long and fast.
 Steve being goofy on top of the rock.
 Steve being normal, and handsome as usual.  :)
 Some really pretty and tiny (penny-sized) flowers.
 A click beetle.  It's about 2 inches long too.
 A five-lined skink (which is a different species than the broadhead skink I posted from Charles Towne Landing).
 This one is a bit blurry, but it's a swift (look at that camouflage).

1 comment:

  1. COOL park. I don't like these creepy, crawly things. Yes, Steve, you are a handsome guy (great photo, Kari!)!
